9th German-Chinese Symposium on Sustainable Architecture and Urban Development: City at the Water

Date: 17. und 18. Oktober 2005
Location: Ningbo Kaiyuan Hotel, No. 812 East Baizhang Road, Ningbo, China

Subject of the presentation and discussion:
1. Public Space at the waterfront – traditional use of water in Chinese and German urban design and its transformation for contemporary use
2. Conversion along the river – new urbanism in former harbours and industrial sites
3. Technologies of clean water – a precondition for civic uses (housing, tourism, leisure)
4. Housing on the water: the use of natural qualities of canals and artificial lake for an ecological development

Oct. 17th Symposium
Opening & Morning Session (09:00-12:00)
Chairperson: Mr. Zhou Chang (ASC Secretary General)
Address by Mr. Song Chunhua (ASC President)
Address by representative of Heinrich Boell Foundation
Address by representative of stadtkultur international
Welcome address by officer of Ningbo government

– Presentation (1) by Mr. Dr. Dirk Schubert, architect and urban planer, Technical University Hamburg-Harburg
– Presentation (2) by Mrs. Peng Yaoling, chief engineer and vice president of Chongqing Urban Planning and Research Institute
Afternoon Session (14:00-18:00)
Chairperson: from German delegation
– Presentation (3) by Mr. Prof. Klaus Zillich, architect and urban planer, partner in the office Engel and Zillich Architekten BDA, Technical University Berlin
– Presentation (4) by Mr. Qin Chuan, architect & urban planner, Vice President of Tianjin Urban Planning and Research Institute
– Presentation (5) by Mrs. Prof. Antje Stokman, landscape architect, University Hannover
– Presentation (6) by Mr. Li Dongjun, architect from Shanghai Modern Architectural Design (Group) co., Ltd.

Oct. 18th Symposium
Morning Session (09:00-12:00)
Chairperson: from German delegation
– Presentation (7) by Mr. Matthias Rehfeld-Klein, hydraulic engineer, Senate of Urban Development, Berlin
– Presentation (8) by Mr. Shen Lei, Doctor of Urban Planning and Architecture, Deputy Director of Ningbo Urban Planning Bureau
– Presentation (9) by Mr. Hans Venhuizen, Bureau Venhuizen, Rotterdam
Afternoon Session (14:00-18:00)
Chairperson: Mr. Shen Lei, Deputy Director of Ningbo Urban Planning Bureau
Briefing on 3 Ningbo Projects:
1. Regeneration project from Flour Mill into a Book City
2. RBD (Recreational Business District) on the water
3. International Plaza 95 (newly built residential community)
Chairperson: Mr. Shen Lei, Deputy Director of Ningbo Urban Planning Bureau
Review and debate on Ningbo Projects
– Podium:
Mrs. Petra Schwarz, geographer, Urban System Consult, Berlin
– Mrs. Binke Lenhardt, architect, Beijing
– Mr. Eduard Koegel, urban planer, chief editor for IDAS, Berlin
– Chinese participants n.n.

The presentations will be translated consecutively from German into Chinese and vice versa.

Architectural Society of China (ASC)
Urban Planning Bureau of Ningbo City
Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBS)
stadtkultur international ev (ski)

Supported by:
Organizing Committee of International Housing & Real Estate Expo, Ningbo
Urban Science Research Institute of Ningbo City
Architectural & Civil Engineering Society of Ningbo City
Urban Planning Institute of Ningbo City
School of Architecture, Engineering and Environment, Ningbo University